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Education Software Solutions Hiring for Developer


Education Software Solutions



Job Type:


Full Time


Who can Apply:

Fresher, Experienced


Job Description:

What you will learn

We are looking for Developers who can work together to deliver the business value and product objectives through implementing agile software delivery techniques and contributing to a fully cross functional team with “build it – run it” responsibilities. You will need to be comfortable working in a cross functional team accepting and giving feedback at all stages of the products lifecycle. Working closely as paired Developers you will be delivering value to the business. You will collaborate with other Developers in pair and mob programming and learning practices; the Technical Lead, QA, Product Designer and Product Owner will be your key stakeholders inside the team.

Your immediate focus will be on delivering the future of our SIMS MIS product as we shift to iterative, cloud-based, SaaS improvements on the incumbent on-premises product (SIMS 7). The purpose of this role is to deliver the solutions as envisaged by product and ensure that it is secure, performant and fit for the future. Working with Product and Delivery you will progress in an outcome-oriented, data-informed and lean manner to create a proposition within the school’s landscape which has increased relevance and will be a product that customers love.


Getting code into production Ability to get code of all types—including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes, and experiments—into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way.
Front end web development Ability to design, create and evolve user-facing applications to be scalable, maintainable, secure, aesthetic, and usable within the constraints imposed by the browser using a combination of languages, design skills, and client-side scripts and frameworks.
Backend development Ability to write, maintain and design the business logic of a software application, the data or services requested are available as well as create and maintain the core databases, data, and application program interfaces (APIs) to other backend processes.
Requirement Analysis and Articulation Ability to use relevant artifacts, approaches and processes to understand and communicate what is required and why it is required.
Estimation Ability to apply various estimation techniques to predict the most realistic amount of effort required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain, and noisy input.
Test Driven Development designs and develops tests to specify and validate what the code will do with the goal to make the code clearer, simple and bug-free.
Clean Code applies state-of-art practices of software design and programming. The understanding of the principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code that is easy to evolve.
Continuous Integration Ability to write code in a way that supports Continuous Integration of code, that is, frequently committing changes to a single trunk or master.
Performance & Scalability Engineering Ability to assess, recommend, design, implement, optimize, and troubleshoot measures to ensure systems perform as needed. This includes responsiveness, coping with traffic load, coping with large data sets, and processing times.
Securing Applications Ability to design and implement software which exhibits good security properties, and which avoids common weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Legacy remediation Ability to operate in or around older systems, and devise and execute strategies for modernizing and improving them. This includes awareness of a range of legacy architectures and the patterns and tactics for the stabilization, remediation, or replacement of them. The ability to analyse the technical, business, and operational pain-points of applications and broader systems. Identifying incremental steps towards a future state architecture, including techniques for stabilizing with test harnesses, intercepting and rerouting or duplicating functional and data flows, extraction of services or tiers, wrapping with facades or adapters, refactoring, and strangulation and end-of-life.
Emotional Intelligence recognizes, understands, and manages their own emotions and recognizes, understands, shares, and influences the emotions of others.
Collaboration works jointly with others to co-create and achieve a common goal. This includes learning, practising, and experimenting with tools, techniques and frameworks that foster collaborative working environments.

Key Skills & Responsabilities

Service Bus
Azure DevOps (ADO)
Azure GIT

About Company:

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